Live Clean Anthology | The Deliberate Art of Living


Grammy’s Yeast Rolls,



Combine sugar, shortening, and salt. Pour boiling water over it. Add egg. Separately, dissolve dry yeast in warm water. Then add to other ingredients. Then mix in flour. Store in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.

Remove from refrigerator one hour before cooking time.

Preheat oven to 400 °F. Roll and cut, or pinch and roll in balls, using three to make each Cloverleaf rolls. Bake for 08 minutes.


  • 00.25 c sugar
  • 00.25 c shortening
  • 01–02 t salt
  • 01.5 c water, boiling
  • 00.5 warm water
  • 01 egg, well beaten
  • 01 package dry yeast
  • 03 c plain flour


This recipe came from Grammy (Evelyn Lucas), and the recipe is written by her daughter.

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